Scaling proportions on a human body was at times tedious and annoying, modelling a mobile phone however...
Surprisingly I found modelling the phone much easier to do than the Anthropometrical assignment posted earlier. Maybe it is easier to do or maybe I'm becoming a bit more knowledgeable on the in's and out's of 3Ds Max. I'm hoping it's the latter...
Above I've shown some quick renders of the phone, it's modelled fairly similarly to my HTC Wildfire incase someone thinks I'm ripping of designs. Overall I'm pretty happy with the result, I couldn't get the material editor to work properly for me to apply realistic textures to the phone but that's something to improve on for next time.
Screenshot from 3D Max |
It's been many an hour of tedious tinkering and minor frustrations but I managed to produce a CAD drawing of myself. I'd love to say it was made from scratch but it wasn't... I modified the proportions of a 95%-ile male to fit my own proportions using 26 different measurements. The 95%-ile male is standing in the middle with a front and side view of myself to the right & left.
Even though it took a long time to finally get it done, about 50% of my time was spent getting to grips with the program. Gradually overtime my workflow got faster and I got more comfortable working with 3D Max. The proportions look relatively correct and look fairly similar to my actual proportions so I'm pleased with the end result!